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The book is available on Amazon  and Smashwords for only $0.99 cents. The paperback edition is available via Amazon and Barnes and Noble for $7.95.

Here are what some readers are saying…

A Tribute to Tulipia review

A Tribute to Tulipia recipient of 5-Star Seal. Click above to see the review by Mamta Madhavan from Readers’ Favorite. 


Rory and Roxy Reviews

We read this book with Papa and it took us a couple of days to get through it, ask questions and discuss it with Papa and each other. The book also has some beautiful photographs of nature and when we were done we were amazed to think that possibly plants have feelings.

This book is about a Tulip named Tulipia that lives in a forest called the Jade Oasis. Tulipia was very very beautiful and because of that a lot of the plants in the forest were jealous and treated her badly. Tulipia grew tough, digging her roots in and remembering her parents wisdom that goodness would one day come even if she had to endure meanness.

A rabbit becomes friends with Tulipia and they become allies in trying to protect the Jade Oasis from many threats. The many vines, shrubs and flowers that made up the Jade Oasis grew to respect Tulipia for her wisdom and courage.

There is also a love story in this book between two flowers that will make your heart happy. We also learned that standing up for what is right and doing the right thing is not always easy. We both loved this book about not only life in the forest but about life for all living things and how we should all try to respect and love one another.

This is a super book to read with your parents or grandparents and snuggle!

From Mr. Kirk Smalley, at Stand for the Silent: A wonderful book to read WITH your children! “A Tribute to Tulipia” is an uplifting book that teaches a very valuable life lesson on perseverance and treating others with respect! Great work Chiara Talluto!

Kirk Smalley
Stand For The Silent


A Tribute to Tulipia Book Review

Click above for the latest review from Ms. Barbara Belford, Windy City Reviews.


From an Amazon Kindle Reader: It was my pleasure to read this short story. I enjoyed Chiara Tulluto’s first book “Love’s Perfect Surrender” so much. Like her first book, this book, “A Tribute To Tulipia” is very well written and easy to read. This book is written for the 8 to 13 year old child but I enjoyed it too. It is a beautiful story with a very important message in today’s world. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from, we can all live side by side and help each other. This book reminds us, children and adults, that all our lives are better if we are kind to one another.


A Bookstore Friend: A Tribute to Tulipia sounds like a wonderful story and the way you introduce the book sounds very enticing. I love the name, Tulipia. And the Jade Oasis! I can just picture it. Once again, I think you nailed another wonderful lesson/story for young girls.


From Dennis DeRose (Moneysaver Editing): A TRIBUTE TO TULIPIA by CHIARA TALLUTO is a quick read that can be enjoyed by readers of all ages. All of us need a boost now and then; all of us need reminders because we forget important things as we go about living our lives as we rush here and there. Chiara’s little book, A Tribute toTulipia, does just that. Tulipia is one lone tulip surrounded by all types of foliage, many plants despise her, for no good reason, and many ignore her, because they can. She has taken the burden upon herself to unite her little patch of the forest for the common good, to protect and preserve herself and her neighbors against their foes, wild animals and other forest destroyers. She is determined to do the right thing and her progeny is determined to continue and strengthen her legacy. Do you do the right thing when no one is looking? Keep writing Chiara, we all need reminders.


From a Goodreads ReaderThis was a simple, enjoyable read about a tulip name Tulipia who stays strong for her parents. Although none of the other plants pay much attention to her – at least that’s what she thinks – she tries to have a good attitude about it. Basically a story that teaches you things, used it a symbolic way.

An easy read!