In the Book of Luke, specifically Luke 24:13-35, there is a parable of the two men on The Road to Emmaus.  The men were talking about Jesus, his death, and the hope that was to come out of His Ministry. Their hearts grieved as they walked because they thought He was going to restore Israel.

The Scripture Teaching

I’ve read that scripture many times, but on this most recent read, a revelation came to my mind. I preface this by saying that the revelation is my interpretation of how it spoke to me. It has helped me tremendously, and I pray it can do the same for you.

Why are treading the same road over and over again when we know it’s the wrong path? Why do we attract certain people into our lives? Why do we push good people away? Why do we refuse to listen to Godly rebukes or accept His blessings?

Let me explain:

  1. Were all on a road to Emmaus. Each one of us has a purpose and journey outlined and known by God. If only we’d embrace our “individual” trail more than we covet other people’s paths. Instead, we look at others and their successes versus looking at our own blessings.
  2. We trudge along on our path because we have a shaky faith. Attracting certain friends, the ones who share the same sentiments, issues, grievances, etc. Hence the quote, misery loves company. Other times if we’re lucky, we have some friends who are placed in our lives to offer consolation, encouragement, and hope. Get yourself that kind of friend. The other one only loves misery and will keep you in bondage.
  3. During our journey, some people draw near to us and then leave, and draw near to us again and leave. It’s a repetitive cycle. Who are these people that WE allow in our lives? And why do they come and go? It’s a wide road and there are a lot of people on it at different times of your life. Everyone is trying to get somewhere. Most of the time, we are so busy swimming in our pool that we don’t notice who’s waded in to corrupt us. Be watchful. In the Luke parable, it is Jesus who draws near (and He’s the good guy) but the two men don’t even recognize him.
  4. When your “attracted” friend group gets bigger, the chatter gets louder. And so, it becomes difficult on who to listen to. In the parable we see Jesus rebuking the two men and then expounding everything they should have learned from Him and the disciples. Do the men heed His rebuke?
  5. The Truth teaching Jesus tells the traveling men, unfortunately, falls on deaf ears, and He finally says… “slow of heart to believe.” What should Jesus do? He’s been calling you over and over, but you’re so involved in yourself that you miss the Truth entirely. Wake up!
  6. But, true friends are patient. True parents are patient. True spouses are patient. And, Jesus is patient. He loves us so much that He is willing to bring into remembrance the breaking of the bread as a reminder of who He is. And this is exactly what happened to these two men – their eyes opened wide and they knew that He was Jesus. Have you ever been in a situation where you’re trying to remember a movie and the lightbulb goes off in your mind because someone reminded you of a scene, an action, a prop in the movie, etc? Well, this is exactly what Jesus had to do in this particular parable. He shared an action so that the two men remembered him. Jesus often brings into remembrance why He loves us, and why we should turn to Him for everything. Jesus also allows encouraging and beautiful memories to come into our minds and make us smile. He’s so good that way.

My Takeaway from the Parable

  • Don’t repeat the same thing over and over and expect different results. Stop walking the same path. Take a different road.
  • Gather a good tribe of people who can hold you accountable. Choose your friends wisely. One bad person can ruin your group.
  • Learn to discern who you want to draw near to you and those who you want to leave you. Go after those who will help grow you in your walk with Christ. Break off ALL toxic relationships.
  • Listen to the still small voice of God – get quiet and be in His presence, so that when you are rebuked or blessed, you hear the Lord’s voice only. I love Psalm 139: 23-24.Search me, O God and know my heart…” Remember, everything good out of you is from God! Everything bad out of you is well, from you!
  • Keep God’s Word in remembrance in your heart, so that it is always at the forefront of your mind. When you do this, your heart will always burn for Jesus and you will tread victoriously!

And, that’s a wrap. Blessings to you!

Until next time…

Be well. Be safe. Be happy!