Inspirational/Christian fiction focuses on Christian values, but it emphasizes morals and values, and life lessons.

I write about ordinary people who do extraordinary things through their failures and triumphs. I don’t write “Chicken soup for the soul” mentality that Jesus saves and all will be okay. Rather, I write from the standpoint that even as things heal, one still has to carry the cross and burdens.

I’d like to use stories to encourage my female readers to explore their faith and believe they are worthy of this life and make a difference.  My hope in writing the types of tales that I do is that I resonate with the female reader to take a chance in life. Those readers who aren’t afraid to be challenged in everyday life. Those willing to sacrifice for the good of others, those readers who are struggling with life decisions and want to be inspired to change, grow, and leave tire marks. After all, we have just one life to live.

So please, I welcome you to explore my two books:

A. Love’s Perfect Surrender – Christian Romance


B. She Made it Matter – Inspirational/Christian